Well, it's 2020 and I thought with a new year, I would launch my new website!
I'm so excited for what this year is going to hold. I have a few more rounds of edits to go on This Golden Flame and have also started planning my next work #LibraryStory. It's so strange (and wonderful!) to think that in just over a year, my debut novel will be out on shelves for everyone to read.
Of course, what's a new year without some writerly (and not so writerly) resolutions? In 2020, I'm hoping to...
-Finish all the edits for This Golden Flame (of course)
-Do some serious work on my WIP
-Learn to felt (I have always wanted to learn to felt)
-Learn to meditate better (I try... I really do)
I wish everyone the happiest of years in 2020!
